Celebrating Fathers: What Is The Legacy Of A Great Father?

Celebrating Fathers: What Is The Legacy Of A Great Father?

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In a recent interview with Dr Paul Wakama, I asked: What is the legacy of a great father?

In response to the question, he said:

“Let your kids remember you, imprint in their memories who you are.”

He also said that when your children realise that you taught them values such as selflessness and service to society as a father, and the principles of respect, productivity, and the fear of God, they’ll grow up knowing that you left them a legacy.

A father teaches his child the value of respect, service and the fear of God.

It was a heart-warming discussion for me, as it allowed me to hear my brother speak on how our father’s fathering has impacted his role as a father.

Legacy, in his opinion, “is not about the money or the material things that you have left for them.

Some people think that it’s what you leave for them to inherit.”

Instead, equipping your children with valuable life tools that would help fashion them into assets to the broader society, their families and themselves are what legacy represents.

And he couldn’t have said it better.

A Father Is Worth Celebrating

Celebrating Fathers: What is the legacy of a great father?
Image Credit: Ibinabo Enebi
A father provides mental and emotional stability for their children.

It is said that the role a father plays in his children’s lives can’t be said enough.

So, the pride of place they deserve and their contributions to society should be shouted from the rooftop.

It’s for this reason that Sonora Louise Smart Dodd from Spokane, Washington, United States Of America, fought to ensure that fathers were given the respect and recognition they deserved, especially after she heard a Sunday sermon on Mother’s Day in 1909.

Thanks to Dodd, Father’s Day as we know it today is celebrated in over 30 countries in the world.

It’s a day when children pay homage to fathers, both dead and living, in honour of their role in our lives.

Related Post: Reflecting On My Mum And Missing Her This Mother’s Day

Why Are Fathers Important?

Celebrating Fathers: What is the legacy of a great father?
Image Credit Ibinabo Enebi
The involvement of a father in a child’s life goes a long way in building the structures of society.

The involvement of a father in a child’s life goes a long way in building the structures of society.

The Child Welfare Information Gateway, in a publication titled: The Importance of Fathers in the Healthy Development of Children, says:

“Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and as they grow older, have better social connection with their peers.

These children are less likely to get into trouble at home, school or the neighborhood.”

The Child and Research Partnership further reveal that involved dads directly impact their children’s future.

According to the partnership: “Involved fatherhood is linked to better outcomes on nearly every measure of child wellbeing, from cognitive development and educational achievement to self-esteem and pro-social behavior.

Children who grow up with involved fathers are: 39% more likely to earn mostly A’s in school, 45% less likely to repeat a grade, 60% less likely to be suspended or expelled from school, twice as likely to go to college and find stable employment after high school, 75% less likely to have a teen birth, and 80% less likely to spend time in jail.”

What Is The Legacy Of A Great Father?

Celebrating Fathers: What is the legacy of a great father?
Image Credit: Ibinabo Enebi
He makes time for his children and ensures they are well cared for.

Ms Nike Akerele De Souza, C-Suite Executive and Employability, Education, International Development and Non-Profit Specialist, lends her voice to the call of honouring fathers this Father’s Day.

In a tribute to her father and grandfather, she highlights what the legacy of a great father is:

He Is A Positive Role Model

Where do I start to write about the two men that played a significant role in my life – my father and my grandfather.

They both shared some similarities in their characters that have influenced my life tremendously.

My grandfather was one of the co-founders of the Action Group, a notable political party established in Nigeria in 1951.

My father was also active in politics in Lagos State and at the federal level in the country.

Our house was bustling with political activities whilst I grew up with my siblings.

Both had a passion for Nigeria and worked tirelessly to serve the nation.

This was infectious, and I am grateful for their example of servant leadership.

I was always hoping that Nigeria would be a great nation for all its citizens.

He Is A Superhero

He is our superhero.

They were generous in character and listened attentively to us as children.

Even though they led hectic lives, they made time for us and ensured we were well cared for.

I recall the long talks we would have, the laughs and even the disagreements and I feel truly blessed to have grown up watching and learning from them.

They were not perfect, no one is without fault, but they tried to be good and kind people.

Sometimes, as young girls, we see our fathers as superheroes. I certainly did.

Yet, somehow, I was always comforted that they would sort all things out for me when needed.

He Has A Good Name And Honour

They both left a legacy for us to follow, and the baton was passed to each of us to lead and make a difference in the lives of others.

What gift can a father give you but a good name and honour?

I miss their guidance and wisdom and the smile that comes when I walk into the room. I carry them both in my heart always.

A Tribute To My Father

A father’s role is spiritual, he mirrors the love of God.

Like Ms Akerele De Souza, I honour my late father in this year’s celebration with a tribute to him.

I believe that in addition to providing, protecting and nurturing a child, a father’s role is also spiritual as it could mirror to his child, the fatherhood of God.

He Could Do Anything For Me!

Ever since I was a little girl, I had an extraordinary relationship with my father.

Looking back now, I can say that our connection was almost supernatural.

His huge frame, for a skinny little girl like me, symbolised strength, assurance and comfort.

To me, his presence meant that everything would be fine. I believed that he had the capacity to bring all the surrounding chaos under control.

Watch Related Video:

Celebrating Fathers: What Is The Legacy Of A Great Father?

A Man Of Integrity

My father was not just a man.

He was an event, a force, a conviction and an ideal. He had no price tag to him.

Father would never compromise his convictions of honesty and integrity for economic and political influence, position or power.

He didn’t need to because he had a head taller than all of these.

Besides, he already possessed influence, position and power because God had blessed him with everything he would ever need for life.

A Loving Father

A father embodies love.

Father, I miss your love for me and the sparkle in your eyes whenever you saw me.

I’m sad that I can no longer look right into your eyes to say, “I love you.”

And most significantly, your early morning calls are no more.

But I have these to thank you for; the prayers and the blessings you bestowed on me. May they come through in my life continually.


One more thing, may your death become the compost upon which remarkable lives would continue to germinate

I told you, I didn’t want you to surprise me by dying unexpectedly. You promised me that you wouldn’t. However, you did!

You left me while I was far away from home, leaving me with no one to comfort me.

It’s okay, daddy, I’m not annoyed. I loved you already in life. I’ll cherish you always, even in your death.

I’m doing well, father. You led me this far, and what more can I say? You did it well all the way.

Sleep well, my father, my friend and my hero.


As we celebrate Father’s Day this year, I wish fathers worldwide a Happy Father’s Day.

And to grandparents, family members, friends, neighbours, teachers, coaches, and all those who served as a father figure in the life of a child that desperately needed one.

I also salute all the mothers around the world who played the role of a father and, in doing so, created lasting legacies in their children’s lives.

I celebrate you all.

Happy Father’s Day!

Please leave your comments below.


Facts about Father’s Day | Office Holidays

Sonora Louise Smart Dodd: Fathersdaycelebration.com

Fathers and Their Impact on Children’s Well-Being (mu.edu)

5 Things You Should Know about the Importance of Fathers | Child and Family Research Partnership | The University of Texas at Austin (utexas.edu)

Ibinabo Enebi

Ibinabo Enebi

I'm Ibinabo Enebi, and I can now safely say that my life is a beautiful journey of ups and downs. What had appeared to be fragments of unfulfilled dreams and missed opportunities were, in fact, the dots and colours necessary to create this worthy experience I call my life. I'm a wife, a mother of four, a sister, a friend, and an aunt. I hold a BA (Hons) in English Studies and a Master of Arts degree.

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