How to unlock your power of focus
Is life magic or a miracle? Is it just a random happenings of activities or an intentional design by the Creator, whose unmatched creativity has bestowed on Him this title that is so limiting?
I came upon this scripture in John’s Gospel in which Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.”
What is Life

Is life magic or a miracle? This question has kept me awake and put me (has set me) on a journey that has increasingly changed my perspective.
Even more, it has focused my attention on that which is changing me every day.
What life is Jesus referring to here? A biological life? A spiritual life or the reason for our existence, our being?
The scripture points to a concept that fascinates the human mind ― that our life is more than just the breath in our nostrils.
It is a truth we cannot shrug off.
It sits heavily on our shoulders, a weight we cannot ignore as we all yearn for an answer in order to have peace of mind, to be complete and be whole.
Check out Amachree Isoboye Afanyaa’s latest book

Hocus Pocus

Some of us have come to view this querying as something magical. To us, it is like watching a magic show and yearning to understand what the magician is doing, trying to figure out every move the magician makes.
Despite our enjoyment of the illusion, we keenly desire to understand it.
Magicians are unique by their ability to create a diversion, manipulate their audience and get away with the trick. This act is pure misdirection, taking one’s focus away from reality – Hocus Pocus.
Hocus Pocus is meaningless talk or activity, typically designed to trick someone or conceal the truth of a situation. So, the magician sells a lie, more or less altering the audience’s focus.
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Hocus Focus on God

Is life a deceptive HOCUS POCUS game – the more you look, the less you see? Or is it the other way round?
Do we need to focus more on the Giver, in this case, not the ‘Magician’, rather the Creator, God who has expressed the truth through the Word, His Son!
So, in the pursuit of meaning and discovering the purpose of our very existence, we need to lock our gaze on Him, and Hocus Focus totally on Him.
The Giver of life has the playbook on how the gift should be received and appropriated, matching each breath with another in creating that magic that cannot be resisted, but attracts.
How to unlock the power of focus in you
Our walking the earth is not happenstance or a fluke. It requires intention and precision.
We must take responsibility in asking the right questions in the right direction, focusing our attention on the Source of our being, so that the imagery of His purpose might be established and manifested in us here on earth, bringing glory to Him ultimately.
The power of focus cannot be quantified empirically, but experiential testimonies abound of its efficacy in the story of achieving good success.
Suffice it to say that the power of focus produces an immense result for the practitioner. It releases enormous power for the realizing of dreams.
Through The Act Of Worship
One way that I have come to see in unlocking the power of focus in you is through the act of WORSHIP.
The word WORSHIP is comprised of two things, value and reverence.
The value here is revealed in your worth, which you intentionally present to God as an offering.
This act releases a deep fragrance of impact that your world cannot overlook.
Worship is not an event but a way of life.
True worship keeps the worshipper connected to the object of worship, which is God.
This connection makes available an unending flow of ideas and the necessary supply of energy for fulfilling purpose and accomplishing life’s targets.
Hocus Focus is the magic of life. It is the miracle that is happening all around us, and we simply must get all distractions out of the way and pay full attention to our purpose.
Amachree Isoboye Afanyaa is a strategic HR thinker who brings quality out-turn through HR processes.
A graduate of Biochemistry from the University of Port Harcourt, Afanyaa, also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Global Human Resources Management from the University of Liverpool.
He is a creative writer and author and also hosts a podcast show titled ‘The Word Café Podcast with Amax.